Christmas at Universal Studios Orlando

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I have a tradition of traveling in December, this year I kicked of the Christmas season with a trip to Orlando. Saying that I was looking forward to this trip is a bit of an understatement. I have to say that the thing I was most excited for was the Wizarding World, I will touch on this a bit but that deserve its own blog. I was so impressed by the decorations and just overall attention to detail.

Obviously, the most decorated area was the Wizarding World which had Christmas trees, lights, and garlands everywhere! But, they added trees into each section of the park, Marvel, Jurassic Park, etc. Each tree matching the color scheme of the section is was in, for example by the Spiderman ride (which was so much fun definitely recommend!) they had light blue trees with red decorations to match his suit! Other then Hogwarts, the most decorated part was definitely the Seuss section. They had a Grinchmas play for the kids and just had festive decor everywhere!

We got park to park tickets, which was mainly so I could ride the Hogwarts Express. But it also meant we got to see so much more. Which is both good and bad. Because we did park to park and the main park was mostly rides we had already done at Universal Studios in California, we spent a lot of time in Islands Of Adventure, which was amazing, but caused us to miss the Christmas Parade that was held at the other park. This happens once a day so if you miss it, you miss it. It is in partnership with Macy’s and has balloons, so it’s similar to the Thanksgiving parade. Which as much as I would have liked to see the Universal version I have been in the Thanksgiving parade, so I don’t feel I missed out too bad.

For the most part the rides were amazing, I got a bit creeped out and had to back out of Kong Skull Island and the Fast and Furious Ride was a bit of a disappointment, the best part was the walk through leading up to the actual ride which had the cars from the movies. The best rides were Spiderman, Jurassic Park, and Men In Black. Well, and the Harry Potter rides of course!

So, the main reason for going was definitely the Hogwarts Christmas Light show, which was amazing and I have recoded in full in the vlog below! But, I was even more impressed by the end of the night show, this is some footage of that which does not give it justice. They projected movie clips on to a fountain in the middle of the main lake in Universal Studios Florida, with the theme music from each film and fireworks which the colors matched the films as well! It was one of, if not the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life, and I definitely recommend staying until the park closes so you can see it!