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So you want to do vlogmas, but you don’t know if you can because you don’t have the time to make everyday as special as the bigger youtubers, you see fancy intros and feel overwhelmed, can you actually record and edit every single day? I understand it seems to be a bit of a undertaking and can be very daunting. At least that’s how I felt last year when I did it for the first time. I am not a seasoned vet that has been on YouTube for a bunch of years and has done 5 years of vlogmas but Ido understand the stress.

First, you don’t need an intro, most people find them annoying anyway, I always skip them so if you want to do it because you like them then go right ahead but don’t stress yourself if you don’t have the time. Second, making your days interesting, I dealt with this last year, I had to work so many days I didn’t have the time to invest into holiday fun. But, what I did do was find a way to incorporate something into my days whether it be some holiday lights a quick stroll through a holiday market or stuffing my face with chocolate while watching a holiday movie. The last thing which was what I worried about the most was filming enough then editing and uploading on time each day. I will be honest I missed a few, but I just combined a few days together which actually helped a bit with the last concern. As much as I wanted things to be perfect its a learning curve and even your most experienced youtubers have trouble sometimes. So just have fun with it, some people might not like it if you miss a day but that’s ok they will forgive you when that next post goes up. As long as it’s fun for you then its worth it! Good luck and enjoy it!

Happy Blogmas! Tips.


Today marks the first day of blogmas, as well as the first one I have partaken in! I have had so much fun preparing for this day, delving into decorating, baking, and Holiday trips! I am so excited to participate this year. But, I also learned a lot! I kind of wish I had started my blog earlier, because I had so much difficultly starting out, but sitting down and writing out 25 blog ideas and then being able to write 5 drafts in a day, made me realize this is the kind of planning I need to be doing all year.

If you are thinking of doing blogmas, I want to tell you coming up with 25 ideas for 25 days, writing out each blog and adding media in the form of edited videos and photographs, it takes a lot of time. You could write one every day starting from December 1st to the 25th, if you do then you are a trooper and I commend you on the ability. But, if you are like me and would find that impossible, my main piece of advice would be to start getting your blog topics figured out in mid-October and start writing your drafts in early November. This year I had 11 drafts written by November 10th. With photos and additional media going through the editing process.

If you have any upcoming events during the month of December that you want to write about remember to leave those spots open, as well as sometime to write it. I knew the majority of my posts wold be in reference to decorating, traditions, baking, and activities which made it easy to prepare for those as I tend to stick to traditions. So, all of these are things I would be able to write up in advance and just make modifications later on to include additional details specific to my new experiences this year.

I am so excited to finally be getting these posts up and start this journey with you! I have had so much fun with it so far. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you have an amazing Holiday season and Happy blogmas!