Real Relationships vs #CouplesGoals

If you have followed me for awhile, you may realize I never really talk about my relationship, and there is a reason for that and that is I don’t want to falsely represent anything. So much of what we see on the internet is perfection, and that’s not real. I see it over and over this false representation, and if it ends all of the people who have been following this relationship, start commenting they wish they would get back together, or making assumptions because they only saw what was presented to them. Now, I am not saying that my relationship is at risk, I am not going anywhere and intend to stick with it for life. But, I don’t want to put out a fabricated truth that everything is rainbows and butterflies. It’s not. It is hard being with another person, and things are not perfect, we are not couples goals, we are flawed. In real life you have your ups and downs and as amazing as it is right now, I know that is partly because of those hard times. We learn from them and faking happiness for your followers in not something I ever want to do.

So I am going to be real, I want to present the truth, but I also stand by the belief to leave the past where it is, so I will not be delving into our personal history nor will I air out things in the future. If you only take one piece of advice from me please let it be, if you have moved on, don’t move back, leave the past fights where they are, once resolved don’t unresolve them, it’s not worth it. So, here is the super slimmed down story of my relationship, it was amazing in the beginning and then it wasn’t, repeat a few times over the span of 10 years, and now we are back to amazing. We could have ended it and walked away during the hard times, but instead we decided the love was more important. We started fighting for each other rather then against each other. We changed not just for the other person, but for ourselves, and are now stronger as individuals, as well as a unit. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but also the most important thing I have done in my entire life. I would say that I made the bigger changes to myself as a person, I had to figure out my limits, and the fact that he and I are not the same. We communicate differently, and learning that made everything easier, though I do wish I had learned it sooner.

You may be confused that I am saying I am not going to present perfection, but also will not be putting my relationship problems out into the world. What I am saying is we have had them and we will have them in the future. It’s normal, and if you have problems within your relationship, you are not alone. Everyone does and if they say they don’t they are lying to you. Relationship goals and the aspiration of perfection, isn’t attainable putting in the fight and deciding it’s worth it is the only savior I have had, and it didn’t give me perfection; it gave me something even better, a healthy relationship with a person I care about. I don’t need anything more then that.